I want to share this new site that I found called Artfire. I am in the process of adding my resin, resin molds, jewelry findings and other supplies to this handmade marketplace. Read about it and see what you think. It is a great marketplace for those of you who are selling your creations. You only pay $7.00 per month with no additional fees. If you want to sign up, please use this link
http://www.artfire.com/modules.php?name=sevenforlife&afuid=889This is from the Artfire website:
"Welcome to Artfire, the premier online marketplace for handmade products designed by artisans around the globe. Our free community is designed for artisans to buy and sell their works, while celebrating unique handmade items and designs."
"It is always free for buyers of handmade products to search through our listed artisans, buy, or request for items to be specially made. No matter if you are looking for local handmade crafts, or handmade products from artisans around the world, Artfire.com is the marketplace for you."
After you have a look around let me know what you think about the Artfire site! I'm excited about it. They are spending a lot money on advertising and promoting the site. You can promote your marketplaces and blogs on there too! They were on the back cover of the latest Craft magazine.