Sunday, May 10, 2009

New 2 part Silicone bubble ring molds are being born! Soon You can make your own Bubble Ring!

I'm so excited!!!!! Finally Silicone Bubble Rings are almost ready! All I need to now is wait.... it's the hardest part... letting them cure.... it seems to take forever! Once they cure I will need to pour the resin making sure the pour hole is large enough and stuff like that. They may require a syringe but I thing it will be so worth it! I even figured out a way to embed in them..... WOOO!! HOOOO!!!! That will be in the instructions included with the Silicone Ring molds.

I'm working on another design that I am just in love with!!! Here is a sneak peak.... It will be a silicone mold and also sold as a kit. The sample is not finished yet it's still in my head!


  1. ohh just found you. Loving your work and blog. I look forward to reading more.

  2. hi cindy
    just found your blog & placed an order thru etsy last week. i'm so excited i found you :)
    just watched you on youtube too- don't worry, i'm not stalking you- haha!
    ~misschell (chinamommy on etsy)
